乳幼児を持つ親に対する子育て観尺度の開発 : 信頼性・妥当性の検討
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本研究の目的は,乳幼児を持つ親の子育て観を測定する尺度(子育て観尺度)を開発し,その信頼性・妥当性を検討することである。子育て観を「乳幼児を育てること全般に対する個人の見解,考え方,価値観,認識,印象,期待の総体である」と定義し,その下位概念を「親役割観」,「子ども観」,「子育て像」,「周囲との関わり」の4つの側面から捉えることとする。尺度の開発は,(1)文献による構成概念の検討と尺度原案の作成,(2)内容的妥当性と表面的妥当性の検討・修正,(3)質問紙調査による信頼性・妥当性の検討,という(1)〜(3)の手続きを経て行った。調査に用いた尺度の試作版は,65質問項目であった。調査対象は,対象者の基準を満たす親(父親と母親)700組であった。質問紙の回収数は492名(母親296名,父親196名)であり回収率は35.2%であった。そのうち全質問項目に回答があった416名(母親252名,父親164名)を分析対象とした。回答の偏り,クロンバックα係数,I-T相関,因子分析の結果に基づき,合計22項目を削除し,43項目を採用し,5下位尺度となった。再構成された尺度は,クロンバックα係数が0.79であり(0.58〜0.81),内的整合性が一定のレベルに達している。また,因子分析により5因子が抽出され,各下位尺度を構成する質問項目は同一因子に0.30以上の最も高い因子負荷量を有し,尺度は構成概念妥当性を確保していることが確認された。This paper describes the development, reliability, and validity of a Childrearing Values Scale (CVS) for measuring parents childrearing values. Following a literature review, a conceptual framework was developed. The childrearing values framework was constructed based on the following four dimensions: beliefs about parental roles, beliefs about children, feelings about childrearing, and relationships with people in the parents environment. An original 85-items questionnaire was developed and is scored on a 5-point Likert scale. The content validity and face validity of the questionnaires were established by five parental nursing experts, a childcare specialist, and 5 couples with babies and young children aged 6 years or younger. The trial version of the CVS consisted of 65 items scored on a 4-point Likert scale. The trial questionnaire was distributed to 700 couples after the birth of a healthy child. A total of 492 questionnaires were returned and the responses of 416 individuals (252 mothers and 164 fathers) were statistically analyzed. This protocol of this survey was approved by the institutional review board of the School of Nursing, Chiba University. Based on the results of item-analysis, 43 items were selected. Using factor analysis, 5 factors were extracted and the cumulative contribution after factor extraction was 40.62%, which suggests acceptable construct validity for the CVS. The 5 factors, considered to be 5 subscales were "positive impression of child care," "awareness of parental role," "negative impression of child care", "relationships with people in the parents environmen", and "child belief". The Cronbach's coefficient α for the scale was 0.79, and ranged from 0.58 to 0.81 for each of the five subscales, indicating acceptable levels of internal consistency. Using a 43-item questionnaire, the CVS obtained an acceptable level of reliability and validity. However, further refinement of the scale is indicated.
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