サブボレアル期初頭 (紀元前3.0-2.5千暦年) の古気温と諸文化 : 完新世の人類学 (5)
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This paper describes the global culture adaptation, regionally resulting in the ancient civilizations, to the late Holocene or modern environment under the unparalleled palaeotemprature stability during the 3.0-2.5k. cal. yr. B.C. period. The construction of petty city states around the Black Sea, and of small town settlements in Iran, southwest Central Asia and western continental South Asia attracts our attention, as well as the development and militarization of the Mesopotamian city states and the political and cultural establishment of the Egyptian Old Kingdom. Chinese cultures were attaining one of the highest levels realized by the neolithic people, but metallurgy was not invented there. Other areas were experiencing mostly their neolithic adaptations, although epipalaeolithic populations were scattered especially in the southern hemisphere. At the end of this paper three themes are discussed. (9.7) The city states' economic growth caused their violent struggle. The dispatch of the high nobles of a victory city state to the defeated cities and the disarmament of non-capital cities brought a territory state to completion. (9.8) Metallurgy was invented in the dry areas of abundant mineral resources, not in soil-botanically covered region (e.g. in the coastal China mainland). (9.9) Stone circles and other (mega-) lithic structures found at neolithic and early metal culture sites were stone coral or domesticated plant-animal protection where densely inhabited wild animals would have damaged agriculture and husdandry but where insufficient wood work technology prevented effective legneous fencing.
- 2003-03-14
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