サブボレアル期前葉 (紀元前2.6-2.1千暦年) の古気温と諸文化 : 完新世の人類学 (6)
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The present writer describes the palaeotemperature-culture transition in the early Subboreal (2.6-2.1 kaBC) ended by intense climate fructuation in which sudden and acute warming was immediately followed by so severe cooling that the effect of this folded upheaval was somehow 'cancelled' and is unconfirmable widely over the uncivilized world of the day, where the middle neoglaciation since the terminal Atlantic favoured the development of respective regional cultures. But in the contemporary 'civilized countries', where relatively cool condition in the preceeding centuries had fostered the territorial states (Akkad and the Old Kingdom) and the city-states of the Indus Valley, but where the excessive amelioration prohibited the staple crop (Trictum-Hordeum) harvest sufficient to support the urban life, the ancient elites experienced unprecendent 'civilization collapse'. Yet, except the Indus civilization whose citadel complexes were largely abandoned forever, the non-elite majority of the ruined kingdoms, the local aristocracy and the small township residents as well as the rural societies, although impoverished, survived to establish later their renewed royal administration. At the end of this palaeoclimate period bronze artifacts were at least in use extensively in the circummediterranian areas and in the western half of Asia, while in the eastern half of the latter continent neolithic cultures prevailed, subsahara Africa, Indonesia-Oceania (New Guinea, western Melanesia and Australia) being generally under epipalaeo-microlithic situation. In Americas neolithization was still on the way even in the advanced zones. Three themes are discussed : (10.7) within a civilization the polities of different levels, i.e. city-states, territorial states and an empire, rose and fell successively according to the amount of staple food convergible to the urban centers, the rulers of the polities of decreased amyloid concentration being oblized to reduce their royal budget, of which failure led to the revolt of the subjects and to the eventual fall of their polities, (10.8) the botanical fact that the circummediterranian and Asian civilizations eat on the long-day or short-day cereals, located their rururban complexes to the north of the tropic of Cancer, on the other hand day-neutrality of maize which supported the ancient American civilizations distributed their centers between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, and (10.9) in higher latitude and/or altitude areas potters tend to be male who knead more powerfully the clay body which requires thorough working, while in the warmer regions they are frequently female who prepare the ceramic material with less strength. In Americas the intra-tropicity of the developed neolithic cultures, originating in the day-neutrality of the staple, encourages female to make the enthnographic utensils.
- 信州大学の論文
- 2004-03-15
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