8-1-2 家庭における夏季の空調負荷制御に対する受容性(8-1 家庭部門,Session 8 エネルギー評価・経済(エネ学含む))
- 論文の詳細を見る
Air-conditioner is responsible for half of the residential energy use in summer and it is significantly efficient to manage the device for peak saving. In this paper, we report the results of web-based survey on consumers' willingness to accept controlling air-conditioner temperature setting, using a representative sample of 3,018 in Kanto area. As expected, we found that 1 to 2 degree celsius control was accepted by a respondent of 50-60%, and also the amount of rebate did not motivate to accept changing the thermostat setting when it is 1 to 2 degree celsius, but the results of 3 degree control was different. Participant age affected the acceptance rate and younger subjects showed higher rate.
- 2013-07-29
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