1-1-1 低品位炭の低温酸化速度解析(1-1 反応性,コークス,Session 1 石炭・重質油等)
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The purposes of this study are to examine the mechanism in detail and to formulate the rate of the low temperature oxidation of coal. To do so, weight change, gas formation rates, and heat generation rates were measured respectively by using a sensitive thermobalance, a micro gas chromatograph, and a differential scanning calorimeter during the oxidation of low rank coals below 300 ℃. Furthermore, the fate of the functional groups on the coal surface was also observed by using an in-situ FT-IR spectrometer. In-situ FT-IR measurement clearly showed that the aliphatic carbons were first oxidized to form carboxyl groups above 140 ℃, further oxidized to form esters below 260 ℃, and then converted to anhydrides below 300 ℃. Based on the thermogravimetric data and heat generation rate measurements, both the oxidation rate constants and the enthalpy of reaction at the initial stage of oxidation were successfully formulated, and the possibility of estimating the initiation of self-ignition using the rate constants and the enthalpy of reaction was examined.
- 2013-07-29
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- 1-1-1 低品位炭の低温酸化速度解析(1-1 反応性,コークス,Session 1 石炭・重質油等)