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The entrained flow coal gasifiers, which are adapted for almost all IGCC technologies, are operated under the high-temperature and pressurized condition. It is necessary to clarify the coal behavior in such a condition for the design of the gasifier and the estimation of the gasifier's performance. In this work, the changes of char morphology, such as particle size distributions and bulk density, in the coal pyrolysis or the char gasification reaction were examined using a pressurized drop tube furnace facility (PDTF). Though a lot of pulverized coal particles have swelled by the rapid pyrolysis, the tendency was shown that the initial pyrolysis reaction of a coal with a high fuel ratio was controlled by pressure and the swelling was also suppressed. In the char gasification process, the change of the char particle diameter was few in the early stage of the gasification, because the surface was eroded by the reaction and the pore grew in the surface of char particles. The structure of char particles became fragile and the particles fragmented into smaller parts in the middle and latter stages of the gasification. The numerical model of particle size distributions and particle density of gasified char was proposed to explain the shrinkage and the fragmentation of char particles during gasification, and the validity of the model was shown.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2008-01-20
渡邉 裕章
原 三郎
三浦 孝一
渡邊 裕章
財団法人 電力中央研究所 エネルギー技術研究所
渡邊 裕章
原 三郎
原 三郎
原 三郎
電力中研 横須賀研
三浦 孝一
渡邊 裕章
渡辺 裕章
梶谷 史朗
張 岩
原 三郎
財団法人 電力中央研究所
梶谷 史朗
原 三郎
(財)電力中央研究所 エネルギー技術研究所
三浦 孝一
梶谷 史朗
(財)電力中央研究所 エネルギー機械部
三浦 孝一
京都大学大学院 工学研究科化学工学専攻
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