S191012 柔構造エアロシェル大気突入機におけるADSシステム設置に関する数値解析([S19101]大気突入・減速技術)
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Atmospheric entry capsule with membrane aeroshell is drawing a good deal of research attention as a new type of reentry capsule. In order to identify its attitude during the flight, it is necessary to equip with air data sensors on its head. In our present aeroshell capsule configuration, a hemispherical blunt nose of the capsule is mounted at the center of conical aeroshell membrane and five pressure ports are located on the blunt nose. During the flight, a recirculating region will be formed near the points where the blunt nose is connected to the membrane aeroshell. When a pressure port is located in a recirculating area, the measured pressure will not be sensitive to the change of the attack angle of the reentry capsule, which is undesirable to accurate estimation of the capsule attitude. For the purpose of determining the preferable location of air data sensors, numerical simulation and wind tunnel experiments were conducted. It was revealed in the experiment that the pressure differences between the stagnation point and the other ports change almost linearly with respect to the attack angle. It was also verified by the experiment and by the numerical analysis that the pressure port located at the point 45 degrees away from the stagnation point is not affected by the flow recirculation and is preferable to the location of air data sensors.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-11
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