遠隔大学における放送授業と学習意識 : 昭和61年度放送大学学生調査報告
- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1986, NIME surveyed on learning system of the University of the Air (UA) and students' attitudes of distance education. The number of students sampled was 2,848, which was 16.5% of the total population of UA. This paper focussed on broadcast lectures and students' consciousness in higher education through broadcasting. Main results of this survey were as follows. a. Enrollment of each subject at UA depends on the fact which it is compulsory or facultative, and viewing/listening rates do not have close relation to contents of programs. b. Most of UA students prefer cultural cource as a part of continuating education, and not a few students hope subjects on special studies or aim to obtain degree of bachelor. c. In comparison of TV with radio, students prefer TV programes than radio ones. Listening and recording rates of radio programs vary more widely than those of TV programs. d. Replay equipments have already spread among students, and will be made more use of, as broadcast lectures increase in number. e. Generally speaking, women or elder students are more affirmative to distance education system than men or younger students. And unemployed persons study longer and are satisfied with broadcast lectures, as compared with employed. It is thought that study hours is related to evaluation of subjects. f. Students' impressions vary according to categories of course. They feel that lectures of foreign langueges are most difficult and rapid and those of humanities suit to them well. At this time students choose not attractive lectures but plain ones. g. Broadcast lectures work effectively as a delivery system. Classroom instructions fulfill to exchange teachers and students. h. Broadcast lectures are supported by most students. Helpfulness have a relation to satisfaction to them. On the other hand, printed material are generally evaluated lower.
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- 遠隔大学における放送授業と学習意識 : 昭和61年度放送大学学生調査報告