2P1-D09 触覚インタフェースによる反応速度の向上に関する研究(ユニバーサルデザイン&ロボット・セラピー)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is described about a study of an improvement of a response time using haptic interface. We have made a proposal for a music baton system for visual handicapped persons. The system is constituted by an acceleration sensor, a radio module, and a haptic interface device. We have carried out an experiment of comparing the visual and the haptic interface last time. The result declared that a pre-motion is important for the visual interface. In the paper, we make a proposal for new method of a pre-motion using the haptic interface device. The response time of haptic interface was improved by the method in the experiment.
- 2011-05-26
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