38. 富士高地産カラマツの樹型変異と北海道における次代の生育(会員研究発表講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Seed lots were gathered from the trees with different forms of prostrate and erect types growing at various elevations of Mt. Fuji around its forest and timber lines and those with cones of non-recurvate scales like Korean larch. And the seedlings from them were investigated at the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido, in order to ascertain whether such tree forms are genotypic or phenotypic, and to examine the taxonomic entity of the individuals with such particular cones. Through observations and measurements of them at the nurse, stage and during the period. of about 10 years after planting out in experimental fields, the following facts became clear. (i) All progenies of mother trees of prostrate type compared quite well with those of erect type in their trunk form and vigorous growth, and did not include any single seedling of prostrate form. Moreover, there was not found any obvious correlation between the forms of mother trees and various characters of their progenies such as growth vigour, formation of lateral branchlets, time of terminal bud formation and that of autumnal colouring of needles. Therefore it is doubtless that this difference of tree forms is merely phenotypic. (ii) However, the progenies of the trees growing at high elevations more than 2300-2400m are to some extent different from those at lower elevations or those of artificial plantations at Yamabe in their formation of lateral branclaets (less), time of terminal bud formation and of autumnal colouring of needles (earlier for some days), and growth at the stage of 3-year-old. seedlings (worse). (iii) Generally speaking, the provenances in the district of Mt. Fuji are conspicuous among all those those put to the provenance test by their habit of spreading primary branches or limbs in the shape of obVious storeys like kurile larch. (IV) The progenies of trees with Korean larch-type cones were not distinguishable from those of ordinary type in the characters discussed in the preceding paragraphs. Therefore it is quite reasonable to consider that these trees are still within the range of morphological variation of Japanese larch with only small deviations from the typical. According to several reports as to provenance tests of Japanese larch, both in this and foreign countries, this species shows constant variation among provenances of geographical difference in frost-(and pest-) hardiness, flower-setting, some morphological characters, and others, but does not in the growth of progenies. The result of the present study suggests the same inclination as to the sources of altitudinal difference.
- 北方森林学会の論文
- アロザイムによるアカエゾマツとエゾマツの天然雑種の同定
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- 20産地からのニホンカラマツの冬の耐凍性の差
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- カラマツ頚晩霜客の一事例
- 2,3の機械的処理によるカラマツの着花結実促進
- カラマツ類の高芽接ぎ
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- 38. 富士高地産カラマツの樹型変異と北海道における次代の生育(会員研究発表講演)
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- 33 グイマツ及びホクシカラマツとカラマツの戻し及び第2代交雑家系の生長比較(会員研究発表講演)
- カラマツ類相互交雑家系の植栽後20年間の生長経過(会員研究発表講演)
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- 33.導入モミ属の開芽期と耐霜性(会員研究発表講演)
- 34.シラベ,ウラジロモミおよびトドマツの生長比較(会員研究発表講演)
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- 主要樹木の季節調査資料(会員研究発表講演)
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- 31.カラマツ,グイマツの採種時期と発芽力(予報)(会員研究発表講演)
- 16.導入カラマツ属の季節学的調査資料(会員研究発表講演)
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- 高・低標高産アカエゾマツ次代苗の成長(会員研究発表論文)
- 18.省力造林法の技術開発 : その2 ミヤコザサ地における人工造林法(予報)(会員研究発表講演)
- フェラーバンチャおよびグラップルスキッダによる伐出作業跡地(III) : 伐出跡地の1年後の更新状況(会員研究発表論文)
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- カラマツ類の品種改良に関する研究(第2報) : カラマツ類の季節調査資料(予報)(会員研究発表講演)
- カラマツ類の品種改良に関する研究(第1報) : グイマツとニホンカラマツ人工交雑種F_1苗の成長と2,3の特徴(会員研究発表講演)
- ポプラの交雑試験結果(会員研究発表講演)
- 接木のしかたによる活着率と活着後の成長
- アオダモの翼果と実生苗の母樹による違い(会員研究発表論文)