- 論文の詳細を見る
The larch canker was reported in the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido in 1969. Its pathogen, Encoeliorsis laricina (E_<TTL>.) G_<ROVES> (Imperfect state : Brunchorstia laricina E_<TTL>.). was cultured on a potato-galactose-ager medium and fungus colonies on this medium were used for the inoculation experiments. The inoculations were made on Feb. 17, 1970 and March, 16, 1970 on the potted larch seedlings in the green house, quite earlier than the natural condition. The methods of inoculation was as follows. Each main stem and side branch of seedlings were sterilized with 80% alcohol and washed with water, and a peeling abrasion (4mm x 4mm) was made with a sterilized knife on the bark. The pieces of the mycelial colony were placed at the injured part. After that, the plants were placed in a moist chamber and held at the relative humidity of 80-100% and at 15℃ temperature for two weeks. Then, they were placed in the natural condition. Pycnidia were recognized on all inoculated seedlings such as, Larix gmelinii, L. g. var. Koreana, L. leptolepis and L. sibirica fifty days later. Many apothecia were observed on L. g. var. Koreana, a few were on L. leptolepis and few were on L. gmelinii and L. sibirica 476 days later. On the other hand, inoculations with conidia obtained from spore horns of pycnidia were made on May 13, 1970. Spore horns were stired in distilled water, this suspension was spread on the trunks and branches that were treated by sterilized stainless steel needle to make wounds (20 wounds in 4mm^2). After the spreading with the suspension, the plants were placed in a moist chamber for five days. The discoloration was observed on all of the treatment seedlings ten days later, and pycnidia were recognized on L. gmelinii, L. g. var. Koreana and L. leptolepis. No fruit bodies were found on L. sibirica. Under the results of the experiments, L. g. var. Koreana seemed to be the most susceptible to the fungus, and these results were similar to the field observations.
- 北方森林学会の論文
- 1972-03-02
- ヤツバキクイムシのトラップ捕獲数に及ぼすイプセノールの影響
- トウヒ属樹木の新病害「アトロペリス胴枯病」
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- Tryblidiopsis pinastri(PERS.)KARSTENによるトウヒ属とマツ属の枝枯病
- マツの「黒粒がんしゅ病」菌 : Cucurbitaria pithyophila
- 北海道において枝枯性病害を起因するTympanis属菌
- コウヨウザンの葉枯病追録
- アカマツこぶ病菌の寄主組織内における菌糸分布 : 蛍光顕微鏡による観察の1例
- Soleella cunninghamiae SAHO et ZINNO sp.nov.によるコウヨウザンの葉枯病(新称)
- 天狗巣病にかかつたキリのアミノ酸について(第2報) : 根のアミノ酸
- 天狗巣病にかかつたキリのアミノ酸について(第1報) : 葉と枝のアミノ酸
- 穿孔試験によるスギ材試験片の比較抵抗力測定について
- トドマツ天然生林における溝腐病の分布とその被害状況(会員研究発表論文)
- エゾシカの食害による森林被害 : 岩魚沢大型固定試験地の事例(会員研究発表論文)
- トドマツ標高別次代家系苗の植栽18年目にみられた諸被害(会員研究発表論文)
- エゾマツ・トドマツ天然生苗の外生菌根菌 : Cenococcum graniformeとThelephora terrestris(会員研究発表講演)
- エゾカワラタケによるトウヒ属樹木の胴枯病(会員研究発表論文)
- 苗畑のシラカンバ属3樹種に発生した褐斑病被害(会員研究発表論文)
- 31. ストローブマツで発見されたScleroderris Lagerbergii GREMMEN(会員研究発表講演)
- 42.カラマツ類のエンケリオプシス胴枯病菌の接種試験(会員研究発表講演)
- 32 ハイマツの枝に寄生する銹菌(予報) : 銹胞子発芽管内の核の観察(会員研究発表講演)
- 17 Scleroderris lagerbergiiによるヨーロッパモミの被害(会員研究発表講演)
- エゾマツとトドマツの天然更新に関与する菌類(会員研究発表講演)
- 風害翌年の東京大学北海道演習林におけるエゾマツのヤツバキクイムシの加害状況(会員研究発表講演)
- エゾマツ・トドマツの天然更新に関する研究 : 気象条件と稚苗の消失について(会員研究発表講演)
- エゾマツ・トドマツの天然更新に関する研究 : 林地における各種播種床稚苗の生育状況(3〜5年経過)(会員研究発表講演)
- エゾマツ・トドマツの天然更新に関する研究 : 林道法面における更新状況とその環境解析(会員研究発表講演)
- 24.ストローブマツの枝粘性病害に起因する病原菌 : 追加と訂正(会員研究発表講演)
- 41.道内で発見されたPhacidium雪腐病とその被害状況 : 主として東京大学北海道演習林内の被害について(会員研究発表講演)
- 1. 赤斑葉枯病による外国産マツ属樹木の被害(会員研究発表講演)
- 42.カラマツ属造林木の新しい枝枯性病害(会員研究発表講演)
- 38.トドマツとコンコロールモミで発見された新しい枝枯性病原菌 : Ascocalyx abietis NAUMOV(会員研究発表講演)
- 葉さび病がストローブマツの生長に及ぼす影響(予報)(会員研究発表講演)
- 30. Lachnellula piniによるマツ属樹木のがんしゅ病(会員研究発表講演)
- 風害標準地の菌類分布とその遷移状況(予報)(会員研究発表講演)