- 論文の詳細を見る
The author tested the relative resistance to decay, i. e. decay durability, of artificially decayed "Sugi" wood test pieces under the controlled laboratory conditions.In this experiment, to indicate the decay, there used the measurement of decrease in the oven-dry weight and the boring-test method.1. 1.5×1.5×3.0cm test pieces of "Sugi" (Cryptomeria japonica D. DON) were decayed artificially by Trametes BOUD. et GOLZ. and Gloeophyllum trabeum (PERS. et FR.) MURR.2. The discoloration of the test pieces on the radial surface was recognized slightly after 2 months of decay, and conspicuously after 3 months.3. In the case of decayed heart wood, the oven-dry weight decreased according to the progress of decaying. After 5 months of decay, the oven-dry weight of test piece decayed by Trametes albida decreased to 93% and by Gloeophyllum trabeum to 85%.In the case of decayed sap wood, by Trametes albida to 89% and by Gloeophyllum trabeum to 91%.4. In the case of decayed heart wood, after 5 months of decay, the amount of specific torque-energy necessary for bording the test piece decayed by Trametes albida decreased to 85% and by Gloeophyllum trabeum to 78%.In the case of decayed sap wood, by Trametes albida to 68% and by Gloeophyllum trabeum to 71%.5. There observed nearly linear relation between the ratios of decrease in the oven-dry weight and in the specific torque-energy for borig.6. It has turned out possible to judge the decay durability of "Sugi" wood test piece with the considerable accuracy by the measurement of specific torque-energy for boring.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1953-11-25
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