2A1-L07 3次元距離情報と色情報の統合に基づく3次元物体追跡(ロボットビジョン)
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In this paper, we propose a novel method for three-dimensional(3-D) object tracking based on integration of 3-D range and color data. To get 3-D range and color data simultaneously, our method utilizes the Microsoft Kinect sensor which is composed of depth and color cameras. 3-D range and color data are integrated using the estimated depth and color cameras intrinsic parameters and relative transform between the cameras. The target region can be tracked by processing depth pixels with color information. Through experiment in real environment, we confirm the validity of our method.
- 2011-05-26
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- 2A1-L07 3次元距離情報と色情報の統合に基づく3次元物体追跡(ロボットビジョン)