- 論文の詳細を見る
The current study investigates the influence of social factors, such as self-interest and involvement, on trust and its determinants, in the context of public decision-making in government, through two scenario experiments. In both experiments, participants' involvement (high/low) and, subsequent interest in the high-involvement condition (agreed/opposed) were manipulated and two trust models were compared: a traditional model, which regards expectation about intention and competence as the component of trust; and an SVS model, which regards perceived salient value similarity as the primary determinant of trust. Two hypotheses were tested: 1) conflict of interest diminishes trust and value similarity; 2) expectation of the government's intention consistently predicts trust in government, regardless of self-interest. The results supported both hypotheses. Implications of value similarity in the context of public decision-making are discussed.
- 日本社会心理学会の論文
- 2013-11-30
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- 22^ IAPS2012グラスゴーに参加して(iaps22 Glasgowレポート,IAPSを振り返る)
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- 論文賞を受賞して(学会賞受賞の言葉)
- 公共的意思決定場面において当事者性と利害関係が信頼の規定因に与える影響
- 企画にあたって : 特集「ゲーム理論とシミュレーション&ゲーミング」