表情と音声の示す感情が一致していない刺激からの感情知覚 : 異文化間バーチャル・リアリティ・コミュニケーションへの応用(<特集>基礎心理学の実用,応用展開)
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Information derived from facial and vocal nonverbal expressions plays an important role in social communication in the real and virtual worlds. In the present study, we investigated cultural differences between Japanese and Dutch participants in the multisensory perception of emotion. We used a face and voice that expressed incongruent emotions as stimuli and conducted two experiments. We presented either the face or voice in Experiment 1, and both the face and voice in Experiment 2. We found that both visual and auditory information were important for Japanese participants judging in-group stimuli, while visual information was more important for other combinations of participants and stimuli. Additionally, we showed that the in-group advantage provided by auditory information was higher in Japanese than Dutch participants. Our findings indicate that audio-visual integration of affective information is modulated by the perceiver's cultural background, and that there are cultural differences between in-group and out-group stimuli.
- 2013-09-30
高木 幸子
田部井 賢一
田中 章浩
高木 幸子
GELDER Beatrice
Tilburg University
田部井 賢一
田中 章浩
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