- 論文の詳細を見る
This article tries to clarify the outline of the formation, development and proposes some challenges for researches of industrial (Sangyo) and vocational education and training, focusing on the academic attainments of book publications by researchers in these fields. We use the concept of vocational education and training, when we objectify some vocational preparative trainings in secondary and higher education institutions in spite of difference of administrative competences, and the word "industrial education", called "Sangyo-Kyoiku" in Japan, is generally used if we include pre-vocational, technology education and in-company training adding to vocational education and training. Analyses and reviews are made concerning identifying works individualities, accumulations and systematization, formation and expansion of researchers and institutionalization of two disciplines. Results of analyses and critical reviews showed the necessity of researches of higher vocational education as the first challenge in the near future, although there are so many attainments in such fields as technology education, secondary vocational education and vocational training etc. Second, on the one hand, such approaches as analyses of system and curriculum and transition issues have been positively studied, but administrative and financial studies industrial and vocational education are not enough developed on the other hand. Finally, we have to point out the necessity of empirical researches and methods such as field study, questionnaire and deep interview surveys.
- 2013-07-31
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- 口頭発表C(日本キャリア教育学会第30回研究大会報告)
- 日本における職業・技術教育職の展開と現状
- 高等学校における産業現場実習と職業教育 : 戦後高校教育の変動要因との関連で
- 日本における職業教育訓練研究の展開と課題
- 職業教育の比較とその方法
- キャリア形成(学)研究の構築可能性に関する試論
- 『生涯学習・キャリア教育研究』発刊に寄せて
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- 産業教育・職業教育学の形成・発展・課題
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- 専門高校生の職業観 : 商業高校生に対するアンケート調査結果を中心に(A会場午前,II.自由研究発表,日本産業教育学会第47回大会報告)
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- 追悼文 宮内博先生
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- ドイツにおける職業教育研究の基盤と内容 : 職業・経済教育学者のキャリア形成過程に即して(創立40周年記念特集号)