B-3-2 The theoretical approach to the analysis of human fall with consideration about constraint forces(Problems of Biomedical technology(1))
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An aging is a very important problem in Japan as well as Western countries. It involves various diseases and impairments. Fall in the elderly people is also serious problem. Falling usually leads to serious damage, such as fracture or subdural hematoma. It may sometimes happen that being bedridden follows a fall. Being bedridden is a risk factor of dementia. This paper shows the method to derive the speed just before colliding with the floor from the equation of the motion using the rigid rod model. We also explain how the forces of constraint act on the rod. Then, we show the calculation in the case of model with slipping lower end of the rod.
- 2012-12-26
Kubota Masami
Japan Automobile Research Institute
Yukimasa Toru
Department Of Psychology School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Yukimasa Toru
Department of Psychology, School of Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health:New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Kubota Masami
Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI):New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
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