高校生の部活動にみる音楽活動の形成過程 : 高等学校における軽音楽部のエスノグラフィーを通して
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The purpose of this paper is to show the process of how students construct their extracurricular music activities. Students at school play or listen to music not only in classrooms but also at after school club activities. Using ethnography as the method, this paper will focus on high school students in popular (band) music clubs and find out how they construct their music activities. The followings are the points that have been shown in this paper. 1) When students construct and maintain their music activities at a popular music club, two contexts operate, "self-achievement of music goals" and "achievement of human relationships". Music club activities can be classified into four sections from the crossing of these two axes. 2) "Achievement of human relationships" is the key to construct and maintain music activities. It was difficult to continue playing music when concentrating on one's self-achievement. In order to construct and maintain the music activity, it was essential for students to make good relationship with other members. 3) When constructing and maintaining music activity, girls attach importance to constructing human relationships whereas boys have strong need for achievement in playing music and becoming more skillful, Girls also tend to play music not only for improving their skills but use music as a way to build relationship with others. 4) The result suggests that group formation would be a major key for successful music activities in school music education. We should not ignore the fact that human relationship plays an important role when actually constructing and maintaining music activity. In other words, forming groups of individual acting separately would not work. Group formation should be based on each individual's meaningful choice and each individual should be able to attach meaning to the group itself. Successful human relationship is the key for construction and maintaining music activities.
- 日本学校音楽教育実践学会の論文
- 2012-03-31
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- 1M-11 理科と音楽を融合した新しいカリキュラムの開発2(一般研究発表(口頭発表),日本理科教育学会第58回全国大会)
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