構造構成主義による人間科学の基礎づけ : 科学哲学の難問解明を通して(<特集>心理学・人間科学メタ理論の新展開)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to show the philosophical functions of structural constructivism by solving the fundamental problems of the philosophy of science and providing a theoretical basis for the human sciences. Firstly, the paper explains the basic principles and concepts of structural constructivism. Secondly, it identifies the difficult problems that previous notable scholars could not solve in the science of philosophy. Thirdly, it argues that by applying the structuralist of the philosophy of science and structural constructivism, those philosophical problems can be resolved and a theoretical basis for the human sciences can be established. This indicates the theoretical and epistemological superiority of structural constructivism.
- 2013-03-25
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- 構造構成主義による人間科学の基礎づけ : 科学哲学の難問解明を通して