介助場面における障がい者と介助者間の権限の譲受に関する研究 : 介助者側のスキルに焦点を当てて
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This study examined the delegation of authority during care activities from the standpoints of care receivers and personal assistants to determine which skills are necessary for the latter. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 disabled service receivers of caring assistance services at an independent life development and support center and their personal assistants. The care receivers were shown to delegate their authority to the personal assistant during care activities. Regarding such activities, a total of 43 comments (care receivers: 15; personal assistants: 28) were made, and were classified into the following 4 categories of action: delegation of full authority, proposals, provision of information, and decisions on details. Based on both groups' answers, the frequency of each action appeared to change dependent on time. Further, the care receivers and personal assistants made 10 and 18 comments, respectively, regarding skills necessary for the latter, such as empathy and listening, suggesting a close association between these and counseling skills.
- 2013-03-00
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