ソーシャルビジネスモデルのスケールアウト : ビジネスモデルの模倣と移転(<特集>ビジネス・モデルのパラダイム・シフト)
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Social businesses, which solve diversity social problems by using a business approach, have been the subject of public attention for some time. One issue that has been hotly debated over the last several years is how to scale business models for social businesses - i.e., how to transfer and establish a business model in other regions or countries after a prototype model has been developed. This paper focuses on three social business models: (1) the yataimura (food stall village) model; (2) the hot spring event model; and (3) the Shinjo City business model. Focusing on these three models, we analyzed their characteristics an how they were transferred to other areas. Our analysis has revealed that in all cases, companies, local governments, and NPOs collaborated in transferring prototypical models to other areas for the purpose of revitalizing local communities. However, the scaling of a prototypical model was carried out either on an organizational basis or on an individual basis. There wer also differences between an approach aimed at increasing the duplicability of a model through visualization and quantification and an approach aimed at reconstructing the culture and values that lie at the foundation of a business model. Considerable differences were observed in scaling processes as well.
- 2013-02-20
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