公教育形成期における教員管理政策 : 管理規範の形成過程の分析を中心にして(III 研究報告)
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The purpose of this study is to examine how the Meiji government created the code which aimed at teacher's control and developed a teacher policy in the term of preparing public education. An historical archetype in teacher control policy is extracted through historical analysis of the code formation. And its structure is made clear. Attention was paid to the "conduct" imposed on the teacher, and verified that "conduct" was the code which was inseparable from the government of the nation-atate. Then, the process whereby "conduct" became the law aimed at teacher's control and functioned was examined. The teacher's necessary condition of "conduct" was grasped as a code in order to watch his /her performance in the beginning. This point was confirmed using two cases, the senate conference and the teacher policy of Nagano Prefecture. However, "conduct" was in fact being formed as a code that prohibited a teacher's political activity, which reflected on the development of the civil rights movement. This study was meant to examine what role the Ministry of the Interior took in the creation of the teacher control code. It built up a system that watched people's behavior. That system covered not only immorality but also offenses against national affairs from the viewpoint of the maintenance of public order. As a result, the people who were concerned with the civil rights movement (jiyuminken movement) were judged not on the basis of an offense against national affairs but as "misconduct". In such a policy, consciousness was formed that the act of making a protest against the government was "misconduct". In other words, "conduct" was reconstructed and functioned as a code that was applied to not only immorality but also to political activity. Though it is a regulation code, "conduct" is being received as an everyday standard to confirm deviate behavior and to exclude it. Therefore, "conduct" made it possible to strengthen the teacher control system. To verify this point, articles of Shinano-Mainichi were taken up, and the related structure of the newspaper, police, and the educational administration were pointed out. As "conduct" imposed on the teacher was commonly stopped at the level of the society, it was never studied as a government idea. However, it is confirmed that "conduct" is inseparable from the government of the nation-state given the above considerations. The nation-state asked government officials, including teachers, to lead the conduct of people as a "standard" or "model". In other words, national agents were asked for both self-control and other-control, and its behavior was clearly directed. An individual style of control by this "conduct" code can thus be found.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2005-10-14
- 湯田拓史著, 『都市の学校設置過程の研究-阪神間文教地区の成立』, 同時代社, 2010年, 200頁
- 小規模自治体における山村留学制度の取組(分科会発表,IV 日韓共催国際シンポジウム報告)
- 教員論の構成と課題(V 研究報告)
- 公教育形成期における教員管理政策 : 管理規範の形成過程の分析を中心にして(III 研究報告)
- 教員像形成期における「品行」規範(II 研究報告)
- 広瀬裕子著, 『イギリスの性教育政策史-自由化の影と国家「介入」』, 勁草書房, 2009年8月発行, 本体価格4,900円(VI 書評・図書紹介)
- 新政権の教員政策の基本的方向(II 新政権の教育政策)
- 新教育基本法下の教員政策 : 分限体制整備の政策的意図(III 新教育基本法下の教育政策)
- 課題研究 教育基本法と戦後日本の教育政策--司会のまとめ (教育基本法と教育政策) -- (特集1 教育基本法と戦後日本の教育政策)
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- 公開シンポジウム 親・教師・学校--大阪発・こんなこともできる! (ナショナリズムと教育政策) -- (〔日本教育政策学会〕第6回大会報告)