教員像形成期における「品行」規範(II 研究報告)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purposes of this study are to examine the ways series of teacher management policies based on the norm of the conduct until the middle of the 1800s were developed, and to extract the archetype of the teacher management. This period is considered in this study as the formative period of teacher image. In this period through the norm of the conduct a nation built a moral hegemony in the national educational policies. There are many early researches treated this period. But through the norm of the conduct which is a key notion adopted as control acceptance relations in order to build a moral hegemony, there are some points to be examined. This study aims to fill lack of them. In the 1880s the teacher management laws were enacted. Most of which focused on teachers' conduct. What constituted the conduct? There were different and sometimes conflicting definition of teachers' conduct among the government, the democrats, the public and the teachers. In such a situation a nation with the support of the consensus used law to control the teachers. The Education Act of 1879 proposed by the Ministry of Education had the conduct requirement for teachers. At the Senate conference the conduct requirement was removed from the Act following the opposition of Mr. Togama Kouno. But was later reintroduced in the revised Education Act of 1880, when Kouno became the Minister of Education. Article 37 of this act stipulated conduct condition. Question of conduct was clearly discussed with the aim of evaluating rules of teachers' conduct. Kouno notified all the prefectures to evaluate teachers conduct in 31/1/1881. Early researches did not treat the notice. His successor, Mr. Takachika Fukuoka amended the notice so that the government could exclude teachers engaged in civil rights movements (Jiyuminken movement) and enacted the evaluating rules of teachers' conduct in 7/21/1881. Clause 4, Article 1 of this rule was intended for teachers involved in political activity. Teachers supporting civil rights movement sought the educational activities based in local autonomy and the establishment of teaching profession. And then they demanded that the teachers with bad conduct should be punished. They supported not only the reward of teachers with good conduct but also expulsion of those with bad conduct in the education magazine, Gekkei Shinsho examined in this study. Such teachers' views did not help their position. Rather it compounded it. Facing with teachers supporting that movement, a nation had their consent to teachers' image with good conduct As a result, it let the conduct slide from a moral standard into a punishment standard. Political activities or demands were considered as bad conduct. It took stronger legislative measures barring teachers' participation in politics. Teachers were considered the national agents. Through the norm of the conduct a nation was able to impose hegemony on the teachers.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2000-10-13
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- 教員像形成期における「品行」規範(II 研究報告)
- 広瀬裕子著, 『イギリスの性教育政策史-自由化の影と国家「介入」』, 勁草書房, 2009年8月発行, 本体価格4,900円(VI 書評・図書紹介)
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