学校選択と高校入試の問題点 : 主として京都府の公立高校制度の改革を通して考える(教育の機会均等と学校選択,I 論説)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The governer of Kyoto changed in 1978, from Ninagawa, a progressivist to Hayashida, a conservatist and a member of Liberal Democratic Party. In 1985, seven years later, the school selecting method of selecting one from 5 or 6 schools in middle area of the district was established, so the system of small area of the district was abolished in Kyoto. This practice was one of so called three fundamental principles of the administrative system of the high schools. Although they had widley been used in Japan, since the second world war, there had been calls for change from the public. Finally, in Kyoto, a chang come about. The focus of which are the following; I To have general courses which have already widely been arranged and generalized in Japan. II To have intensive academic training courses for high achievers. III To have various courses to promote and develope student, abilities for sports, painting, etc. so on. My concerns on these reforms are shown from these point of view. 1. Who is the subject of selecting system of high-school or it's courses are students, parents, teachers or administrators?. 2. What are their aims and meanings ?. 3. What are the democratic procedure for educational policy making and execution? Last of all, I would like to propose some opinions to this case and it's fundamental problems, such as, new way of entrance examination, from my standing point.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1986-10-10
- 教育効果の金銭化の課題(菊池論文に対する討論)
- 高校三原則と学力問題
- 46 職業指導の諸問題 : 調査報告を中心として(第12部会 学習集団II)
- 高校生急増減と教育行政課題 : 近畿圏の場合(II 共同研究)
- 〔討論〕(II シンポジウム「教育改革と行財政の課題」,第1部 教育改革と行政課題,創立20周年記念号)
- 東京都における学習塾とその団体の実態 : 学校教育との関係におけるその存在意義と教育行政課題(II 共同研究)
- 現行教育委員会制度の問題点(IV シンポジウム)
- 学校選択と高校入試の問題点 : 主として京都府の公立高校制度の改革を通して考える(教育の機会均等と学校選択,I 論説)