家計負担教育費の社会的結果(現代日本の公教育構造の変容,I 年報フォーラム)
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Today, arguments continue regarding the reciprocal influences between the Japanese educational system and Japanese society. This article looks at this relationship in terms of the long-term changes that can be seen in household expenditures for education. 2. The educational finance systm of Japan was established according to administrative and financial reformation which occurred in the 1940's. After the Second World War, the rate of entrance into high schools and universities increased under this financial structure. Through the revision of the Gakko Kyoikuho and the Shigaku Shinko Joseiho of 1975, this financial structure was revised. This revision created subsidies to private universities as well as Sensyu Gakko as part of the system of post secondary education. These laws gave a new systematic structure to the financial balance of household and public expenditures for education. 3. These revisions had a large influence upon Japanese families, which had already undergone the process nuclearization. Because students began to stay in school to a more advanced age, the amount of each family's educational expenditures, including foregone earnings, increased. As the term of their child's education lengthened, the long-term perspectives of the family lengthened along with it Nuclear families were thus forced to forsake many of their short-term desires as they felt the continuing pressure to maintain these long-term plans. 4. Today, household educational expenditures are taking on new cultural and political meanings. One of these is that such long-term expenditures are coupled with the vigorous competition that accompanies the cause of much anxiety and melancholy within the family. Also, the expenditures necessary for the procurement of higher education raises issues concerning the equity of local educational administration. Alongside research into the efficiency and equity of educational finance, people in positions related to educational finance are hereafter likely to begin ethnological research as well.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1997-10-17
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- 家計負担教育費の社会的結果(現代日本の公教育構造の変容,I 年報フォーラム)
- 教育行政学の対象と方法(基調報告,戦後日本の教育行政研究(3)-教育行政学の固有性を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
- 井深雄二著, 『現代日本の教育改革-教育の私事化と公共性の再建-』, 自治体研究社, 2000年, 248頁(VIII BOOK REVIEW)
- 少子高齢社会における教育政策研究の課題 : 教育政策概念の現代的再審(I 人口変動と教育政策)
- 市川昭午著, 『臨教審以降の教育政策』, 教育開発研究所, 1995年, 5000円(VI 書評・図書紹介)
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