教育行政学の対象と方法(基調報告,戦後日本の教育行政研究(3)-教育行政学の固有性を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The pupose of this paper is a consideration of the peculiarity of the academic study of educational administration, examining objects and methods. This issue has been examinated critically by researchers of educational administration such as Shogo ICHIKAWA, who has indicated how the study of educational administration has been changing in quality, as the educational system in postwar Japan has been itself changing. Some people may ask what is the raison d'etre of the academic studies of education? Given this task, what is the assignment of the study of educational administration? It is a peculiarity of this study that we determine the boundary between education and society. Such inquiry leads us to regard educational administration as more pluralistic and fluid as an object of study. The realities of the organization for educational administration, such as government and boards of education, have been the main objects of the academic study of educational administration. That is to say, many reseachers have seen educational administration as unitary. Masashi CHIBA and I, however, indicated that one could grasp educational administration under the realm of competitive relations with other social entities. In recent years, educational policies have weakened the power of decision-making and of arriving at final resolutions. The accumulation of social agents has caused this weakening. Two points at issue are presented here as helpful clues to grasp and discuss the diverse and fluid relations between the society and educational administration. One of these clues is the concept of 'the educational society', which has been suggested by educational sociology. This helps us to consider why the society needs education and why or how the society promotes educational projects. Another clue is the concept of 'human beings and juridical persons in the learning society'. Juridical persons involved with education have relationships both with the society and with the recipients of this education. They coordinate these relations in various ways. Assigning these juridical persons a public status has meant the spread of educational administration in society.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2007-10-12
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- 教育行政学の対象と方法(基調報告,戦後日本の教育行政研究(3)-教育行政学の固有性を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
- 井深雄二著, 『現代日本の教育改革-教育の私事化と公共性の再建-』, 自治体研究社, 2000年, 248頁(VIII BOOK REVIEW)
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