Consistency Management in Parallel Multilingual Documents.
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The availability of documents in multiple languages provides a challenge to maintain consistency of information in the multilingual documents. In this research we present a mechanism to manage inconsistencies in the parallel multilingual documents. We propose a state transition model to define the states of the sentence in the multilingual documents, the set of actions performed on these sentences, the set of transition functions that describe the state transition of the sentences when actions are performed on them. We then define consistency checking with a set of consistency rules to signal states of the sentences leading to inconsistencies. We apply our mechanism for managing inconsistencies in the multilingual document on "Traffic Safety Guidelines for Pedestrians and Cyclists" issued by Japan Traffic Safety Association by defining the state transition model of the multilingual contents and applying consistency checking and handling for managing inconsistencies. We found that our mechanism greatly improves the task of locating inconsistent portions in the document and the inconsistent versions of the multilingual documents and guaranteeing the consistency of information in multilingual documents.
- 2013-03-06
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- Consistency Management in Parallel Multilingual Documents.
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