Pa-202 木質系バイオマスの急速熱分解(2.技術,ポスターセッション1)
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Producing the bio-oil with flash pyrolysis of biomass is one of effective usage as a final stage of biomass refinery. 48% of Japanese planted forest is consisted of Japanese cedar and most of the thinned woods are left in the forest stand and not utilized. So it is necessary to use them effectively as resources of bioenergy such as pellets, char and chips. In this study, the most suitable pyrolysis condition to produce bio-oils was investigated using Japanese cedar and Moso bamboo. As the results of GC analysis from cedar pyrolysis under different temperature, total peak area in GC was increased with temperature and,major peaks area were increased to 550℃ and after that these peaks area were decreased to 600℃ except for levoglucosan. Amount of levoglucosan increased as temperature raised up from 400 to 600℃.Comparing with bio-oil compositions produced from heartwood, sapwood, bark and trunk pyrolysis, levoglucosan obtained by the primary thermal degradation of cellulose was detected as a major peak in the composition from bark. From GC profiles from other tissues, pyrolitic products were consisted of thermal degradation products from cellulose hemicellulose and lignin according to components of raw material. The largest total peak area of pyrolysis products in GC analysis was from heartwood.
- 2012-12-25
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