3-14-3 孟宗竹の急速熱分解液化条件の検討(Session 3 バイオマス等)
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Bamboo is potentially available for sustainable biomass energy, which is a fast-growing woody plant. Thermal liquefaction of biomass by fast pyrolysis or by flash pyrolysis increases the energy density of biomass and decreases its transportation and storage cost. The liquid called as bio-crude-oil (BCO) is expected to utilize not only as fuels but also as chemicals. During flash pyrolysis of biomass, the volatiles generated by the primary reaction of thermal degradation are condensed into the BCO by rapid cooling. The BCO composition is therefore influenced by heating conditions of the liquefaction. In this study, we attempted to produce BCO from meal, holocellulose and α-cellulose of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla f. pubescens) in the different pyrolysis temperature conditions and discussed their BCO compositions. The analysis of their volatiles with Pyrolysis-GC (Py-GC) revealed that the volatiles would contain five groups of compounds: acetic acid derived from hemicellulose and lignin, furans derived from cellulose and hemicellulose, ketones derived from cellulose and hemicellulose, phenols derived from lignin, and levoglucosan derived from cellulose. It was also found that the flash pyrolysis of moso bamboo induced the generation of smaller volatile molecules at 600℃ and fewer volatile compounds at 400℃ than the volatiles at 500℃.
- 2012-07-30
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