- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to clarify, using ethnographical data, literacy problems among permanent foreign residents in Japan and discusses the contents and methods of the literacy education they receive. First, the data indicates permanent foreign residents have problems with reading and writing Japanese even if they can speak quite fluently in their daily life. Second, the paper examines the contents and methods of literacy education offered in most community-based Japanese language classes. This study demonstrates that oral education practice is given priority over literacy education, and that this emphasis in language education is not suitable for permanent residents. As a result, many foreigners often miss the chance to study kanji and are unable to read and write sufficiently because of the absence or lack of proper literacy education. Finally, the analysis of educational practices in other classes shows that literacy education suitable for permanent residents would not be `school-type' education, but an education to develop learners' quality of life, and giving them self-confidence, self-esteem, and their own voices through acquiring functional literacy.
- 2013-02-00
- 韓国における移民関連施策および支援状況に関する実態調査報告(1)
- 対談 日本語教育の社会貢献 (特集 政治と日本語教育とわたし)
- 韓国における移民関連施策および支援状況に関する実態調査報告(2)
- ニューカマー特別枠校の可能性 : 高校3校の事例分析から(III-8部会 異文化と教育(2),研究発表III,一般研究報告)
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- 入門期の漢字教育における学習活動と教師の役割
- 2.高校を生きるニューカマー(その1) : 大阪府における教育支援体制をめぐって(II-1部会 エスニシティと教育(1),研究発表II,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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- 韓国における移民関連施策および支援状況に関する実態調査報告(3)
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- 韓国における移民関連施策および支援状況に関する実態調査報告(6)
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