- 論文の詳細を見る
Software division of JSQC makes a study on the arrangement and the systematization of practical knowledge of software development. There are many textbooks about software development or software engineering. Many of them are, however, the textbooks overemphasized in theoretical knowledge. There are many troubles in actual software development, and there is almost no software development which goes smoothly. Under the circumstance, the software division of JSQC collected and systematized the knowledge which is useful in the spot of practice. Its activity of knowledge collection is called the last word project as a term of endearment. The result of the last word project is shown in this article. The knowledge is described not only in a formal description but in narrative depiction form. It is easy to understand a narrative depiction for a beginner. In this article, the feature of the last word project and 3 teachings stored in the last word project are described.
- 2012-10-15
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- 「サイバースペースとVR」特集号刊行にあたって
- 第98回研究発表会