- 論文の詳細を見る
Numerous trees were blown over on forest land in the northern part of Kyushu by Typhoon 19 in 1991. Mountain slopes with blown-over trees collapsed easily in intensive rainfall. As a result of landslide, abundant woody debris was washed downstream to cause secondary disasters such as flooding due to blockade of water clearance under the bridge. In this study, an experimental analysis was performed to clarify the landslide basic dynamics of slopes with typhoon-derived fallen trees. The results indicated the sequence of landslide in the following order: landslide of slopes with blown-over trees followed by that of barren slopes before the landslide of slopes with standing trees. The speed of sliding debris on slopes with fallen trees was the most rapid. The total volume of sliding debris scored the highest on slopes with blown-over trees, followed by barren slopes, and least volume was observed on slopes with standing trees.
- 応用森林学会の論文
- 1996-03-25
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