10-1 IT産業における自律分散型企業モデル : Web2.0時代の新たな波として(第10部門 アントレプレナー・エンジニアリング(起業工学))
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Web 2.0 facilitates the construction of the autonomous decentralized network "outside" enterprises. This network is constituted by each autonomous customers and supplier. In this research, we describe a new wave of organization model "inside" enterprises. Yumenomachi Souzou Iinkai is one successful enterprise on Internet portal business in Japan. The detail of the management and business model of the case were described in this research. The case indicates that a new enterprise model based on an autonomous decentralized organization is emerging in IT industry in Japan.
- 一般社団法人映像情報メディア学会の論文
- 2008-08-01
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