- 論文の詳細を見る
This study involved the administration of the reminiscence method, using life-size meal cards as the stimulator, to 19 elderly patients with dementia at group homes. This was continued for three months and we categorized the conversations of the subjects. We verified the usefulness of the reminiscence method, administered using life-size meal cards as the stimulator, by conducting an effective measurement of the frequencies of speech categories, the content of the conversation, and the attitudes and behaviors of the subjects. This empirical experiment has shown that, while the comprehensive assessment of life revealed no significant difference in the frequencies of conversations in different speech categories, there was a significant increase in the subject about taste and custom. The assessment based on the observation of daily behaviors of the subjects revealed significant improvements in "attachment-and-detachment clothes and bathing" after the introduction of the said method. The experiment suggested the usefulness of using life-size meal cards as the stimulator when administering the reminiscence method to elderly patient with dementia. The cards are helpful in making them participate more actively in the planning and preparation of meals; the cards act as a means of communication with them.
- 2012-03-31
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