- 論文の詳細を見る
Black humic soils with a popular name "Kuroboku soils" mark a characteristic soil group in Japan, although their taxonomical situation has not yet been established, despite of numerous publications of studies. They lie on both of volcanogeneous or non-volcanogeneous parent rocks, especially exhibiting a marked black hue upon volcanogeneous materials. Until recently, a top soil horizon has been assigned to an A horizon, based upon the assumption that the soils may have resulted through transformation of the top of the parent materials, in the process of soil formation, which differing from normal geological process of deposition. I have long conceived that the constituent material of the "Kuroboku soils" may have been accumulated through wind transportation and mass-wasting roughly since the beginning of the Holocene period. The "humic volcanic ash soil" upon the Pleistocene tephra layer, which is the most common type of the black soils in Japan implies that volcanic ash showering at times fell out through the process of concentration of humus. Even in the case of non-volcanic humic soils, the formation may primarily be due to the accumulation of atmospheric dust from various sources along with the mass-wastes from nearby slopes. Many instances based on sedimentological, archaeological and mineralogical considerations seem to demonstrate that this top soil horizon is by no means the A horizon of the soil profile, but may essentially be a stratigraphic unit having been accumulated through settling of both organic and inorganic materials supplied onto from nearby and remote environments.
- 日本ペドロジー学会の論文
- 1967-06-30
- 岩石磁気による諏訪湖周辺鮮新世火山岩類の研究
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- 氷河時代を見直す (新しい氷河時代像)
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- 山上でのおとり
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- 松本盆地東縁のいわゆる〓河床礫層
- 姫川上流地方の地質構造
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- 日本中央山地の氷期の時代について
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- 塚田松雄著:古生態学.I基礎論;II応用論
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- 黒土の堆積過程にかんする試論(前会長山田忍教授退官記念号)