炭素繊維強化(CFRP)材を用いたゴルフシャフトの特性評価 -ストレーンゲージ法の有効性に関する一考察-
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This paper deals with the method to estimate the material characteristics of the CFRP at which a dynamicload are caused. In many cases. a Carbonfiber Reinforced Plastic Materials is expected to find use in sportsequipment. As a result. it is necessary to test for a dynamic characteristics of the CFRP.The evaluation method of the material characteristics is being examined from both a dynamical andstatical points of view. The dynamical and statical experiments were studied through the use of the methodOf strain gages.The experiment resuls showed that;(1) In all examinations. the linear relation held between a subjected load and a generated elastic strain.(2) It is possible to expect the generated load through use of this evaluation method of the material characteristics.(3) As a result of the field test, the generated load has been found to be 1〜 2 N・m in case of be malteda hit at the sweet spot.Key Words ; Carbonfiber Reinforced Plastic Materials. Sports epuipment.Dynamic characteristics. Strain gages.
- 福島工業高等専門学校の論文
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