ゴルフスウィングの解析に関する研究 -2自由度ゴルフ試打機の基本的構造と制御データについて-
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This paper deals with the basic structure and control data for the golf swing robot that has twodegrees of freedom to reproduce various swing forms. Using mainly the trace pictures of a profession-al golfer's swings from high speed video camera, we considered the structure and the length of therobot's arm, and seeked angular speed each of axes by that structure. As a result. it was found that(1) For the golf swing robot with two degrees of freedom, the following structures are recommended:first arm length: 400mm. second arm length: 200mm. golf club fixed angle: leaning 30 degrees ccw tothe second arm. (2) Since the beginning of a swing angular speed of the first axis goes increasing con- stantly and needs maximum speed about 2000deg/sec(333rpm) just before the impact. (3) By the golfswing robot with two degrees of freedom, various swing forms can be reproduced around the impact.Key words: golf swing, degree of freedom. swing form. golf swing robot
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