103 粘性率が温度に強く依存する場合の熱対流 : 2次元極座標(セッションI)
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The viscosity of the mantle is the strongly dependence of the temperature. We simulate the thermal convection with temperature dependent viscosity in the cylindrical polar coordiate. The model is considered basal-heating and time-dependent convection model of the Boussinesq approximation, infinite Prandtl number and Newtonian fluid. The viscosity of modelled mantle is the function of exponential to the temperature. The ratio across inner and outer boundary is used 0.5. The Rayleigh number is used 6×10^6. The viscosity contrast is used up to 10^5. The result of our calculation is similar to 2D box model: we find three styles of convection, which is Whole layer mode, Sluggish lid mode and Stagnant lid mode. Appearance of the Stagnant lid mode, cylindical annulus case is lower viscosity contrast compared with 2D box model. In this presentation, we discuss about temperature dependence of viscosity required the numerical modelling of mantle convection with geometry and dynamics of the lithosphere based on our simulation result.
- 日本惑星科学会の論文
- 1998-10-13
- A4 伊豆半島東方沖群発地震・海底噴火の地磁気観測 : 速報
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- 7)地球中心部活動史解明への新機軸(B.全地球史解読計画:その戦略と見通し)
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- P414 マントル対流による混合過程の基礎数値実験 : 幾何効果と粘性率の温度依存性(セッション4-A(ポスター))
- P22 The compositional heterogeneity in the lower mantle : Effects of viscosity structure and of "missing heat source"
- 103 粘性率が温度に強く依存する場合の熱対流 : 2次元極座標(セッションI)
- 216 上部マントルの熱・化学進化に与える密度逆転の影響(セッション3)
- 504 火星環境の寒冷化に伴う地下氷の成長(セッション5)