- 論文の詳細を見る
Toxicological examination of the crude drug preparation, "Kyumeigan" (UK) was carried out in small animals. The acute toxicity of UK was studied in mice. No toxic signs were observed by a single oral administration of 10 g/kg of UK. Repeated oral administration was also examined in mice and rats. The oral administration of 20 mg/kg (ten times of therapeutic dose) of UK for twelve days slightly increased the body weight of rats. Increase in GOT, GPT and decrease in ALP were observed by repeated oral administration of UK in rats. However, no remarkable change was observed in body weight, organ weight and histopathological examinations. The above mentioned results may lead to a conclusion that, under the present experimental conditions, UK has no significant toxic effect on mice and rats.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1978-12-20
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