3I1334 P29 反応場サイズが遺伝子からの会合型蛋白質の生成に与える影響(3I 蛋白質_計測・解析の方法論2,日本生物物理学会第49回年会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-08-15
Matsuura Tomoaki
Dept. of Biotechnology, Osaka Univ.
Yomo Tetsuya
Department Of Bioinformatic Engineering Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Osaka
Yomo Tetsuya
Department Of Bioinformatics Engineering Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Osaka
Yomo Tetsuya
Dept Bioinformatic Engineering Graduate School Of Information Science Osaka Univ:erato Jst:graduate
Yomo Tetsuya
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Osaka University Japan:erato Jst Japan:graduat
Suzuki Hiroaki
Department Of Bioinformatic Engineering Osaka Univ.:erato Jst
Matsuura Tomoaki
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University:precursory Research For
Ichihashi Norikazu
Matsuura Tomoaki
Hosoda Kazufumi
Department Of Bioinformatic Engineering Osaka Univ.
Suzuki Hiroaki
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Aoto Hospital, Jikei University
Yomo Tetsuya
Department Of Bioinformatics Engineering Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Osaka
Yomo Tetsuya
Dept. Bioinfor. Eng. Ist Osaka Univ.:erato Jst:grad. School Frontier Biosci. Osaka Univ.
Matsuura Tomoaki
Symbiotic Network Design Laboratory Department Of Bioinformatic Engineering Graduate School Of Infor
Matsuura Tomoaki
Eng Osaka-u.:erato Jst.
Yomo Tetsuya
Inf Osaka-u.:erato Jst.
Hosoda Kazufumi
Dept. Bioinfo. Eng., Grad. Sch. IST, Osaka Univ.
Suzuki Hiroaki
Dept. Of Internal Medicine Aoto Hospital Jikei University
Yomo Tetsuya
Dept. Bioinfo. Eng., Grad. Sch. IST, Osaka Univ.:ERATO, JST
Matsuura Tomoaki
Dept. Biotech., Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.:ERATO, JST
- 3P-281 再構成無細胞翻訳系のタンパク質合成活性の予測(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-280 タンパク質合成活性に因子間相互作用が与える影響の定量的解析(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P438 Strategy to evaluate the effect of individual E. coli protein on the protein translation machinery(48. Bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- SPARC is a Major Secretory Gene Expressed and Involved in the Development of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
- Identification of ISG12b as a Putative Interferon-inducible Adipocytokine which is Highly Expressed in White Adipose Tissue
- Cerebral Hemorrhagic Infarction after Radiation for Pituitary Adenoma
- Effect of Pioglitazone on Arteriosclerosis in Comparison with That of Glibenclamide (Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Basic/Clinical 3 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Serum Levels of Apolipoprotein A-I Predict Atherosclerotic Plaque Volume at Vasospasm Site in Angiographically Near-Normal Coronary Arteries(Atherosclerosis, Clinical 2 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Comparison of the Effects of Losartan and Enalapril on Ventricular Remodeling and Long-Term Prognosis after Acute Myocardial Infarction(Old Myocardial Infarction/Remodeling 1 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-558 Association Between Elevated Level of Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 and the Development of Left Ventricular Remodeling after Acute Myocardial Infarction(Old myocardial Infarction/Remodeling 2 (IHD) : PJ93)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- PJ-302 Reduction in the Plasma Levels of Malondialdehyde-Modified Low-density Lipoprotein Was Associated with Coronary Plaque Regression : Atheroprotective Effect of Pravastatin(Atherosclerosis, Clinical 5 (IHD) : PJ51)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- PJ-282 Pravastatin-Induced Reduction of Blood Leukocyte Count Is Associated with Coronary Plaque Regression : Possible Role of Non-Lipid Lowering Effects of Statins(Infection/Inflammation/Immunity 3 (H) : PJ47)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- PJ-257 Is the Efficacy of Mutant-tissue Plasminogen Activator Therapy under Percutaneous Coronary Artery Intervention Affected by Age?(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Diagnosis/Treatment) 11 (IHD) : PJ43)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- PJ-070 Relationship Between Calcified lesion and Culprit Coronary Artery Stenoses in Stable Angina and Acute Myocardial infarction : Intravascular Ultrasound Study(Acute Coronary Syndrome, Basic/Clinical 1 (IHD) : PJ12)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- OJ-485 Comparison of the Effects of Carvedilol and Enalapril on Ventricular Remodeling and the Long-Term Prognosis after Acute Myocardial Infarction(Old Myocardial Infarction/Remodeling 1 (IHD) : OJ59)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- OJ-463 Predictors of the Extent of Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation at the Site of Vasospasm in Angiographically Nearly Normal Coronary Arteries(Acute Coronary Syndrome, Basic/Clinical 5 (IHD) : OJ56)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- Refined method for the genomic integration of complex synthetic circuits(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- MN-P20 A model-based analysis method for detection of single-base substitution using resequencing microarrays(Section X Micro/Nano Technology for Analysis and Cell Manipulation)
- FM-P1 Construction of Escherichia coli gene expression level perturbation collection(Section VIII Fermentation and Microbial Technology)
- 3P-285 オペロン制御を利用しない環境適応的遺伝子発現(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-284 大腸菌と細胞性粘菌からなる共生コロニー目形成過程における大腸菌の詳細な遺伝子発現解析(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P-283 リシーケンスマイクロアレイを用いた大腸菌の全ゲノム変異解析(ゲノム生物学,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P456 The changing cell state of the transition from the predator-prey to symbiotic relationship between E. coli and D. discoideum(49. Ecology,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 2P437 An improved thermodynamical model of hybridization on high-density oligonucleotide microarrays(48. Bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 1P402 Heterogeneity of cell population in continuous culture of Escherichia coli(16. Cell-cell communication,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 2TA3-05 蛋白質合成システムの適応度地形解析(生命の起源・進化,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-282 lacオペロンの二重安定性における環境応答(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-279 同じ制御下の異なる遺伝子の環境変化に対する発現応答(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Heme Content of Catalase I from Bacillus stearothermophilus
- Experimental Sketch of Landscapes in Protein Sequence Space
- 205 Conversion of catalase into peroxidase by random mutagenesis
- Revised Sequence and Activity of Bacillus stearothermophilus Catalase I (Formerly Peroxidase)
- 376. statistical Analysis of Random Mutation on the Catalase Gene
- Improved Methods for the Preparation of N^6-(2-Carboxyethyl)-NAD and Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Bound NAD(H)
- 563 Random Mutagenesis of a Thermostable Peroxidase from ___- ___-: Distribution of Mutants.
- 2P346 細胞サイズ恒常性の基礎的理解(その他,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-286 生物のゆらぎは進化によっても創られる(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- S3d1-2 Relevance of phenotypic fluctuation to evolution(S3-d1: "Phenotype Dynamics, Fluctuation, and Genetic Evolution",Symposia,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Comparative Analysis of Fibrillar and Basement Membrane Collagen Expression in Embryos of the Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
- PJ-083 Randomized Comparison of Immediate PCI with Conservative Management in Patients with Successful Thrombolysis after Acute Myocardial Infarction(Thromboembolism/Thrombolysis 2 (IHD) : PJ14)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- Randomized comparison of vasopressin and epinephnine in patients out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
- 1P407 Fitness induced gene expression of chloramphenicol-resistant Escherichia coli strain(16. Cell-cell communication,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)
- 2P241 電気融合後の単層膜ジャイアントベシクルのパディング形状変化(生体膜・人工膜-構造・物性,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- PJ-085 Dosage Comparison of Mutant t-PA in FAST Therapy for Elderly Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (Standard dose vs. Half dose)(Thromboembolism/Thrombolysis 2 (IHD) : PJ14)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- 3P-278 遺伝情報の自己複製システムを作って理解する(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Mathematical Model Allowing the Coexistence of Closely Related Competitors at the Initial Stage of Evolution
- Fate of a Mutant Emerging at the Initial Stage of Evolution
- 3P-277 細胞の成長・分裂を模擬したマイクロエマルション制御プラットフォーム(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Possible Mechanism of Acute Coronary Events Caused by Focal Vasospasm : Evaluation by Plaque Appearance and High-Sensitive C-reactive Protein(Acute Coronary Syndrome, Basic/Clinical 6 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation S
- OJ-107 Fourteen Year (1989-2002) Trends in the Incidence of Cardiac Events and Left Ventricular Function in Survivors with Acute Myocardial Infarction.(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Diagnosis/Treatment) 3 (IHD) : OJ13)(Oral Presentation (Japanese
- How Small Can the Difference among Competitors Be for Coexistence to Occur
- 1P284 1H1255 複数時間スケールを持つ環境適応ダイナミクス : エタノールストレス環境下での大腸菌人工進化実験における網羅的表現型/遺伝子型解析(生命の起源・進化,口頭発表,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P-169 lacオペロンの二重安定性における環境応答(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3TA4-10 表現型ゆらぎによる環境適応(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Beraprost Plus Ticlopidine Combination Therapy to Prevent Intimal Hyperplasia after Coronary Stent Implantation : Volumetric Analysis by Three-Dimensional Intravascular Ultrasound (Restenosis after Angioplasty, Basic/Clinical 6 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scie
- Reduced Serum Malondialdehyde-Modified Low-Density Lipoprotein Levels are Associated with Coronary Plaque Regression : Antioxidative Effect of Pravastatin(Atherosclerosis, Clinical 15 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation S
- Efficacy of Calcium Channel Blockers in the Secondary Prevention of Myocardial Infarction : Retrospective Analysis of the 10-year Prognosis(Old Myocardial Infarction/Remodeling 1 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Societ
- PJ-432 Effect of Combination Therapy with Pravastatin and Amlodipine on Coronary Plaque Regression : Volumetric Analysis by 3-dimensional Intravascular Ultrasound(Intravascular Endoscopy/Intravascular Ultrasound 4 (I) : PJ72)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- PJ-080 Effects of Losartan Compared with Carvedilol on the Cardiovascular Outcome in Patients Treated with Thrombolysis for Acute Myocardial Infarction(Thromboembolism/Thrombolysis 2 (IHD) : PJ14)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- OJ-477 Comparison of Pravastatin versus Simvastatin in Inducing Coronary Plaque Regression, as Assessed by 3-dimensional Intravascular Ultrasound(Angina Pectoris, Clinical 3 (IHD) : OJ58)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- OJ-145 Relationship Between the Serum Level of Lipoprotein (a) and Lipid Pool-Like Images Detected by Intravascular Ultrasound in Infarct-Related Coronary Artery(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Diagnosis/Treatment) 4 (IHD) : OJ17)(Oral Presentation
- Construction and Characterization of N-Terminally Truncated DNA Polymerase from Thermus thermophilus
- 1P-241 2種の栄養要求性大腸菌からなる人工相利共生系において観察される協力的な適応的表現型可塑性(生態/環境,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P-143 栄養枯渇に対する適応応答における遺伝子発現の確率性(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- A Novel Versatility of Catalase I as a Dioxygenase for Indole - ring - opening Dioxygenation
- 3P-227 次世代シーケンサにおけるメイトペアの距離情報を利用した配列解析アルゴリズムの開発(ゲノム生物学-ゲノム解析,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P213 Single Cell Analysis on a Synthetic Toggle Switch Sensitive to Environmental Perturbation(Cell biology,The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- 2P-145 栄養欠乏に対する適応応答の定量的観測(細胞生物的課題(接着,運動,骨格,伝達,膜),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Effective Selection System for Experimental Evolution of Random Polypeptides Towards DNA-Binding Protein(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Synthesis of Functional Protein in Liposome
- Construction and Characterization of Phage Libraries Displaying Artificial Proteins with Random Sequences
- Kinetic Equation for Template-Dependent Polymerase Reactions and Its Application to Thermus thermophilus DNA Polymerase
- 2P134 Nascent chain, RNA, and ribosome complexes generated by reconstituted in vitro translation system(32. Evolutionary molecular engineering,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Quantification of Structural Properties of Cell-Sized Individual Liposomes by Flow Cytometry(MISCELLANEOUS)
- Functional Qβ Replicase Genetically Fusing Essential Subunits EF-Ts and EF-Tu with β-Subunit(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Kinetic Properties of Qβ Replicase, an RNA Dependent RNA Polymerase
- Random Mutagenesis of Glutamine Synthetase from Escherichia coli; Correlation between Structure, Activity, and Fitness
- R46Q Mutation in the Succinate Dehydrogenase B Gene (SDHB) in a Japanese Family with both Abdominal and Thoracic Paraganglioma Following Metastasis
- 1P-254 フラクタル様マイクロ流路を用いた生化学反応計測システム(計測,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Reconstitution of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers and Core Antenna-Reaction Center Complexes in Liposomes and Their Thermal Stability
- Probing the Transmembrane Potential of Bacterial Cells by Voltage-Sensitive Dyes
- Cloning, Nucleotide Sequence, and Expression in Escherichia coli of DNA Polymerase Gene (polA) from Thermus thermophilus HB8
- Synchronous Triple Lung Cancers after Treatment for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma : Metachronous Quadruple Cancers
- 2P250 セルソーターを用いた巨大ベシクルの融合検出(生体膜・人工膜-ダイナミクス,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P102 In vitro selection for covalent binding via disulfide interchange with ribosome display(The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- 1P291 1H1325 遺伝子の自己複製反応に与える反応場サイズ依存性(生命の起源・進化,口頭発表,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P286 1H1310 進化する遺伝情報の自己複製システムの構築(生命の起源・進化,口頭発表,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P070 Co-translational folding of beta-galactosidase and beta-glucuronidase in an in vitro translation system(Protein:Property,The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- 2P-228 再帰的な遺伝情報の自己複製システムがin vitroで実現する条件を知る(生命の起源・進化,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-275 細胞サイズリポソーム内における内封反応システムと脂質膜の相互作用の定量的解析(生命の起源・進化,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- In Vitro Evolution of Proteins
- Effects of Amino Acid Substitution on the Physicochemical Properties of Artificial Proteins with Random Sequences
- 3N1112 実験室進化実験によって得られたエタノール耐性大腸菌のマルチオミックス解析が示す長い時間スケールを持つ適応現象(蛋白質_蛋白質工学/進化工学、生命の起源・進化,第49回年会講演予稿集)
- 3N1048 マイクロ流路を用いたテトラヒメナの一細胞観察(蛋白質_蛋白質工学/進化工学、生命の起源・進化,第49回年会講演予稿集)
- 3I1334 P29 反応場サイズが遺伝子からの会合型蛋白質の生成に与える影響(3I 蛋白質_計測・解析の方法論2,日本生物物理学会第49回年会)
- 2F1624 成長分裂の存在だけで細胞程度のサイズ恒常性が生まれる(数理生物学2,第49回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1E1312 P71 Whole genome resequencing of experimentally evolved Escherichia coli using a next generation sequencer(Genome biology, Bioinformatics,The 49th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- Inherent characteristics of gene expression for buffering environmental changes without the corresponding transcriptional regulations
- 1C1534 Construction of an in vitro gene screening system for membrane proteins(Proteins: Measurement, Analysis, Engineering,Oral Presentation,The 50th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)