読みと音韻 : 話しことばと書きことばの接点(<特集>認知科学と音声研究)
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The article explores the relevance of phonology or inner speech activation in processing printed words and sentences. The first half of it focuses on the phonological activation in accessing written words, particularly in understanding the word meaning. Attempts are made to list up the factors affecting lexical processing, which is then to be followed by the introduction of the major lexical access models. The orthography-to-meaning lexical access is discussed by means of the psycholinguistic dual coding model suggested by Kadota (2002) and others, which corresponds largely to the Iwata's (1996) neuropsychological model of processing Kanji-Kana words. The second half of the present article turns its attention to the role of inner phonological activation in comprehending the written textual materials. After reviewing some of the major psycholinguistic works, the author provides a piece of empirical evidence in which for Japanese EFL learners the phonological coding is shown to be specifically occurring in reading rather than in listening. Also suggested is a tentative diagram incorporating both phonological-analytic and visuospatial-global processing channels, based upon the Baddeley's working memory model.
- 日本音声学会の論文
- 2002-08-30
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