636 椎間板に作用する圧縮負荷の非侵襲な評価法に関する研究(機器開発応用・評価法,OS-7 ヒューマンダイナミクス,総合テーマ「伝統を,未来へ!」)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, a study which aims to achieve noninvasive evaluation of compressive load acting on intervertebral disks by using change of the vibratory response of the vertebrae is presented. Usually methods of evaluation of the load acting on intervertebral disks are invasive. In the method presented in this study, an examinee in the stooped position held different weights by its arms to create different intensity of compressive load on its spine, and its vertebrae was excited by a reaction mass shaker to obtain the driving-point accelerance as a dynamic measure. A candidate for the feature in the driving-point accelerance which may have a correlation with the load intensity was found. Three-degree-of-freedom model-based analysis, however, did not suggest so far a direct dependence of the feature on the change of the mechanical properties of the intervertebral disks.
- 2010-09-14
- 211 ジャークドットセンサの開発と状態監視への応用
- 202 ジャークッドットセンサによる構造物の損傷検出
- 3106 定常振動と減衰の係数励振を利用したインパルス応答の低減(OS3-4 振動,騒音,乗り心地の制御,OS3 交通・物流システムの制御,オーガナイズド・セッション)
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- 425 減衰の係数励振を用いた動吸振器を設置した構造物の周波数応答解析
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- 729 局所フレキシビリティに基づく構造物の健全性モニタリング