E26 ローラガイドの寿命と信頼性に関する研究(OS2 最新機械要素技術(1))
- 論文の詳細を見る
A study on life distribution and reliability for a roller guide with cage type is carried out with the total number of 80 test samples made up of four series and fatigue life distribution functions, such as the log-normal distribution, the two-parameter and the three-parameter Weibull distribution function are used for discussion. The basic dynamic load rating obtained ISO formula is compared with the life test data in relation to the effect of crownings of carriage raceway both end portions. As a result, the best fit for the life test series is obtained by the three-parameter Weibull distribution function introduced a minimum life with Weibull slope m=27/20 and load life exponent p=10/3, followed by the log-normal distribution as second, and the two-parameter Weibull distribution as the third.
- 2010-11-19
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