ActiveInk : 属性インクとパレット操作による3次元ペイントシステム
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The ActiveInk system integrates the advantages of real world painting techniques with computer graphics (CG) effects such as natural phenomena animations (e.g., water, fire, snow, and clouds), attributes (e.g., rubber, cloth, and land), surface materials (e.g., texture effects, metal, and glass), and so on. Most conventional paint systems mainly allow users to set a simple and static color. Also, they require users to control many parameters if the user applies complex effects. However, the ActiveInk system treats many behaviors as separate behavior inks (e.g., water, cloud, and cloth ink), so a user can add effects by selecting a behavior ink and painting it onto objects to realize CG effects. Moreover, the system has a palette area that is similar in function to an actual painter's palette, so the user can create new ink by mixing different types of behavior ink and can control the behavior in the palette area directly. All creative manipulations are based on painting to avoid the difficulties of traditional systems such as the need to deal with complex parameters and GUIs, so these simple manipulations can be applied to a wide variety of areas.
- 2009-06-30
暦本 純一
暦本 純一
飛田 博章
暦本 純一
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