2A1-D09 不整地における大型ロボットのバランス制御(ヒューマノイド)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A humanoid robot should be able to keep balance in the presence of various disturbances. We address here a class of disturbances that are due to uneven ground, when the usual ZMP methods are not applicable. The equation of motion has the form of that of an underactuated system, e.g. of a free-flying or a flexible base/link robot. We apply an inertial coupling based control method used in previous works for vibration suppression of flexible base robots. Simulations with a planar robot are presented for two types of disturbances: (i) rotating surface and (ii) jointed-toe foot model. In both cases, balance can be recovered in a stable and efficient way.
- 2008-06-06
- 20221 日常生活環境における物体ハンドリング指示システム(ロボット(2),一般講演)
- 2A1-D09 不整地における大型ロボットのバランス制御(ヒューマノイド)
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