1P1-E29 弾性関節を用いたウナギ型水中推進ロボットの性能評価
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It is thought that the swimming behavior of fishes can propose a new, highly effective method of underwater propulsion. When an eel swims, we can watch the phenomenon that the amplitude of lateral undulation increases from a head towards a tailpiece. We thought that each joint of an eel generates the same flexure power, but the amplitude might increase naturally because the body has the elasticity and then it would be effective for propulsion power and efficiency. In this research, we developed the eel-like robot for which we used the elastic joints. It was put micro computer and batteries on the head of the robot. In addition, we used 8 servomotors for actuators of joints and used 7 copper sheets for the elastic joints. We installed them to the robot from the head in turn. When the robot undulates, arguments of each servomotors change on Sin wave of the same amplitude that put off phase as time goes by. We made simple simulation of eel-like robot in consideration of inertia and drag in a static fluid. The amplitude of the midlines of swimming robot increased from a head towards a tailpiece in results of both simulation and experiment.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
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- 616 RFIDを用いた重量物搬送のための全方向移動車の制御(OS4-4 産業応用ロボメカ技術,オーガナイズドセッション4-II ロボメカシステムと要素技術)
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