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This paper was written by Mayuko IWATA as a Senior Thesis at the Faculty of Policy Sciences, TOKUSHIMA BUNRI University, and corrected by Professor Toyota MATSUMURA. Policy Sciences consists by many parts of knowledge (ex. economics, jurisprudence, politics, information technology and administration) and this paper cavers one area of study of the Policy Sciences Faculty. This paper consists of five parts. First, we insist "Manga" is culture. We point out the meaning of culture is ambiguous, the difference of Manga and picture. Second, we describe the problem when Manga is put in a library or museum. Third, we describe that the act by KYOTO Manga museum and the concept of National Museum of Media Arts, interest about Manga is rising worldwide. We insist that the Japanese public sector had better work harder to spread Manga. culture. Next, we propose that the original picture of Manga should be kept as electrical datum. In the conclusion, we hope the people's understanding about Manga will change because people are independent actors for Manga culture.
松村 豊大
松村 豊大
松村 豊大/岩田
岩田 真由子
松村 豊大
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