戦後日本における「定年退職」をめぐる言説の変遷 : 書籍(1995〜2005年)の分析を通して
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清水新二教授定年退職記念号The rapid aging of the population observed in Japan is incomparable to that in the U.S. and Europe, and one is left with almost no precedent for redesigning life after retirement in this highly industrialized society. Today, Japanese society is full of retired people enjoying their longevity and thus creating an aging society.The purpose of this paper is to analyze concept of the ‘Social Death’, ‘Second Life’ and ‘diversity’ in the discussion of literature and its construction of the discourse on social gerontology studies.‘Social Death (loss of identity as a result of retirement)’ began to appear as social issue between 1951 and 1984. Under the lifetime employment system, ‘Social Death’ was deeply considered to be negative. ‘Second Life (post-occupational life)’ rapidly increased in society between 1985 and 1989. The construction of ‘diversity’ was widely diffused in society between 1995 and 2005, but also ‘Social Death’ has remained in the discourse.
- 2010-03-01
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