- 論文の詳細を見る
The relationship between a learner's first language (L1) and second language (L2) has been discussed by many researchers. Among them, Kroll and Steward (1994) proposed the Revised Hierarchical Model. According to this model, lexical entries in one's L1 lexicon are connected directly with relevant concepts whereas those in the L2 lexicon need to access L1 equivalents in order to activate concepts. Some researchers proposed the theory that links between the L2 lexicon and concepts are developed with the growth of learner's proficiency, etc, but results of the previous studies on this developmental hypothesis are not conclusive. The present study, focusing on word frequency and concreteness, investigated how L1 and L2 lexicons and concepts are interrelated. A total of 40 first year university students participated in the experiment. The results of reaction time and recall rate of the target words showed that words with concrete concepts constructed a direct link between the L2 lexicon and concepts as the word frequency became higher. That is, concrete words with high frequency were processed through a concept mediation process, whereas lower frequency L2 words first activated their L1 equivalents. On the other hand, words with abstract concepts used a word association process regardless of L2 word frequency. These results highlighted the importance of L1 in learning L2 words with abstract concepts.
- The Effects of Background Knowledge on L2 Reading Comprehension : Special Focus on Background Knowledge Test Methods
- Effects of Encoding Processes on L2 Lexical Network Activation
- Construction of a Macroproposition From Supporting Details : Investigation From Japanese EFL Reader's Summary and Importance Rating
- Examining the Characteristics of Scoring Methods for Written Recall Tests : Focusing on Propositional and Idea Unit Analyses
- The Effects of Visual Materials on Reading Comprehension Tests
- EFL学習者における同音異義語の意味決定 : 第一義の影響と文脈解釈の観点から
- Reading PerspectiveがEFL学習者の要約作成と重要度判定に及ぼす影響
- Effects of Causal Networks on On-Line and Off-Line Narrative Comprehension Among Japanese EFL Readers
- 自由記述式と多肢選択式読解テストにおける質問タイプと項目困難度の関係
- 筆記再生課題における検索手がかりと読解熟達度の関係
- Relationships between L1 and L2 concreteness, and effects of L1 word frequency on translation recognition performance of Japanese EFL learners
- 改訂階層モデルにおける発達仮説の検証
- 手がかりと目標語のリンク強度が単語再生に及ぼす影響
- 語形情報と文脈手がかりがEFL学習者の未知語推測に及ぼす影響
- フラッシュバックが日本人EFL学習者の物語文理解に与える影響
- Activation and Encoding of Bridging and Predictive Inferences in EFL Reading Comprehension