- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper points out the necessity of exceeding vocabulary threshold and the importance of the incidental learning in acquiring of L2 lexicon. Mental lexicon, the center of the language activity is arranged differently from a book dictionary. To establish L2 lexicon, the paired association practice which is intentional learning is improper. The author takes up the learning method of the word formation rule of the vocabulary to bring up grammatical competence which plays an important role for lexical competence. In this learning method, the ability of unlocking and spinning-off about complex words is necessary. Then, the vocabulary learning system by the combination of the root and the affix which works on the MS-DOS is developed. However, there remains the deficiency for the incidental learning of acquiring mental lexicon and the learners' unfriendly interface in this learning method. It is because the enough feedback (KR) information can not be provided to the L2 learners. Therefore, the multimedia vocabulary learning system "Root Method" which provides enough KR information in quantities is required. The orienting task of this system is to guess the appropriate combination of the root and the affix like the DOS edition software, but contingently, KR to bring up the unlocking ability is provided and the accidental vocabulary acquisition becomes possible.
- 外国語教育メディア学会の論文
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